Dzisiaj po raz pierwszy przedstawiam Wam miejsce swojej pracy. Wiąże się to z projektem, do którego się zapisałam już jakiś czas temu:
Where Bloggers Create 2013
Moje miejsce pracy zmieniało się już kilkukrotnie, za sprawą przeprowadzek. Dzisiejszy stan jest efektem przeprowadzki z Wrocławia do Warszawy. Na razie wszystko mam na stole, że tak powiem - jadalnym - ale mam w planie duży projekt na szafę craftową :) To niestety na razie odległa przyszłość, która zależy w większości od głębokości kieszeni i czasu mego męża, który ją będzie skręcał :)
To, z czego nie korzystam przy danym projekcie jest schowane w gablotce (nie mojej). Bez większych ceregieli - zapraszam do wizyty w mojej pracowni!
Today, for the first time, I present to you my working space. It has been changed several time due to moving from Wroclaw to Warsaw. Now, I have everything on my dinner table and in glass closet, but I have big plans! I want to create crafting closet, but I have to wait for dear husband who will have to put it together :)
In photos you will see my collection of designer papers, dies, stamps and tools. Under the table there is my cricut expression machine and near by you can see my big shot.
For those who cant understan polish, I will write some about myself.
My name is Susan and I live in capital of Poland - Warsaw. I'm married to my dear, beloved Paul for about twelve years :) We have a son named Julius Maximilian - he is six years old.
I'm crafting since childhood :) I begin with sewing clothes - I sewed my wedding dress for example and many, many other things for me, my family and friends. Then I started to sew toys and I'm sewing till now.
Adventure with paper I started two years ago and I'm completely devoted to it! I love to create cards and albums. Recently I discover SMASH and love it to! I get involved with blog and shops challanges, so many of my blog posts are from it. I try to put a post every day, it gives me the strength and enthusiasm for further work.
I love strong colors, but with time, I turn more and more into pastels. My favorite theme is wings. I like playing with paper folding techniques, creating interactive cards. I invite you to visit my studio and I encourage you to visit me as often as possible!
Widok ogólny na mój warsztat
A general view of my workingspace
Widok z boku
side view
Widok na big shota i cricut expression
View of the Big Shot and cricut expression
Zbliżenie na materiały
Close-up of materials
Zbliżenie na materiały
Close-up of materials
Widok na moją gablotkę
View my display case
Zbliżenie na wnętrze gablotki: tutaj widać moje papiery 15x15 (z prawej) a obok, na macie magnetycznej, kolekcja wykrojników
Close-up on the inside of cabinets: here you can see my papers 15x15 (right) and the next, on the mat magnetic dies Collection
Górna półka gablotki: u góry z lewej foldery do embossingu, pudełko ze smashem, sznurki, na dole pudełko z już skończonymi kartkami a obok kolekcja stempli
Top shelf cabinets: top left embossing folders, a box with a smash accesiories and strings. At the bottom there is a box of finitshed cards, next collection of stamps
A tutaj, tak z innej beczki - moja kolekcja odmianowych, miniaturowych fiołków afrykańskich :)
And here, just for something completely different - my collection of specific, miniature African violets :)
Mam nadzieję, że podobała Wam się wycieczka :)
I hope you enjoyed the trip :)
So fun to visit a studio in Poland. I have been to Poland twice, but did not make it to Warsaw yet. Thanks for the tour of your sweet creative space. Cheers from Singapore!
OdpowiedzUsuńNiestety nie mam swojego kąta i za każdym razem muszę wyciągać cały "majdan" na stół, a potem chować z powrotem.
OdpowiedzUsuńFajnie wygląda Twój "warsztacik" :)
Thank you for doing your post in English as well. . . I really enjoyed seeing your space and looking at some of the other posts on your blog to see what your create. You are very talented. I enjoyed getting a glimpse at where you work, thank you for sharing.
OdpowiedzUsuńHello! I loved seeing your creative space - wonderful display case. Your african violets are really lovely - my 5th grade teacher taught us how to grow them and it's not easy. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your creations in blogland. :-)
OdpowiedzUsuńYour space is PERFECT! I love it and am happy to be a new follower! Take care and cannot wait to see more of your darling creations.
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you very VERY much for all the warm and darling comments! You are welcome in any time!
OdpowiedzUsuńHi Susan- how wonderful to see your lovely little creative space--- and welcome to this amazing blog event!! You have all your paper crafting materials arranged so perfectly-- I can tell that you are passionate about your creations:)
OdpowiedzUsuńI love that bright sunny window and your violet collection-- makes me smile--
Thank you for taking the time to visit my little yarn room- I appreciate your visit.
Hello ~ it is nice to meet you! I really like your bright, cheerful space ~ and I love your mini African violets!
OdpowiedzUsuńHi Susan, thanks for sharing your creative space! Love your beautiful card creations! Enjoyed looking around your beautiful blog and looking forward to many more visits!
OdpowiedzUsuńHave a great week!
Your newest follower,
Hi Susan, thank you so much sharing your space with us. It is so fun to have a peak into the studios of other creative women!
OdpowiedzUsuńI hope you had a great time at the party!!
How pretty Susan! I love that you also have a collection of miniature African Violets! Awesome! So cool to visit you from the other side of the world ;) Hi from Canada!
OdpowiedzUsuńyour creative space is beautiful!
Thank you for sharing. Its taking me a while to get round everybody's blogs. Love the African violets touch. :-)